We have been experiencing some hot weather this summer. Please be aware of the warning signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
Heat stroke’s primary symptoms include a change in mental status, such as confusion, delirium, combativeness, seizures, loss of consciousness, and a core body temperature above 104 F.
Heat exhaustion can present with dizziness, headache, nausea, weakness, unsteady gait, muscle cramps and fatigue. The core body temperature is elevated but remains below 104 F.
For information on heat safety please click on the link below.
The New Sewickley Township Police Department is teaming up with PennDOT to share information on the proper navigation of the roundabout that was installed at the intersection of Freedom Crider Road and State Route 989 in New Sewickley Township. The press release for this information can be found here:
PennDOT and New Sewickley Police Press Release
We also have educational pamphlets available at the police department for anyone who would like to learn more about roundabouts. Stop in and see us!
We are excited to announce that our Special Needs/Wandering Program has joined with the Autism Society of America to bring the Take Me Home Program to New Sewickley Township. This program will mesh with our current program and allow our officers to better serve our community!
Do you care for someone who has special needs or a tendency to wander away from home? Our officers want to be better prepared to help you in the event of an emergency. The New Sewickley Township Police Department is beginning a special needs/wandering program for our residents. Participation in the program is completely voluntary, but if you care for someone with special needs, we recommend your participation in this program. We have created a form to gather specific information about someone you care for who may have special needs or wanders away from home. We ask that you complete the form and provide us with a recent photograph of your loved one. Completed forms and photographs can be email to Patrolman Alexandra Lizzi at alizzi@newsewickley.com or dropped off at the police department. This program will allow our officers to access this vital information quickly either in the office or in our police vehicles. Additionally, if your loved one is missing, our officers will immediately have the important information and a photograph available to them. This program will assist us in quickly and safely returning your loved one to you. The forms can be picked up at the police department or downloaded by clicking on the link below.
The New Sewickley Township Police Department is proud to announce that we have received a grant in the amount of $10,984.00 from the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. In the spring of 2022 the New Sewickley Township Police Department applied for funds from the School Violence Prevention Program and we were advised this week that we had received the grant. These funds will be utilized to place cameras at the entrances of the Freedom Area School District campus. We would like to thank the Freedom Area School District administration, staff, and school board as well as the New Sewickley Township Supervisors for their support and assistance in the acquisition of this grant
Did you know that anyone can obtain Naloxone at no cost in Pennsylvania? Naloxone can be obtained at a local pharmacy or through Pennsylvania’s mail to home naloxone program. For more information, please refer to the Naloxone Program Overview flier by clicking on the link below.
Is the paint peeling off of your license plate? Did you know that you can obtain a replacement license plate at no cost if your plate in unreadable? Simply complete the MV-44 form and bring it to the police department for an officer to sign. Our officers will forward these forms to Representative Jim Marshall’s office to assist you in receiving a new registration plate. You can then mail the form to PennDOT to receive the replacement license plate. You can obtain the MV-44 form by clicking on the link below.
If you are in need of a Protection From Abuse Order, the current process for obtaining a PFA is included in the link below. Additionally, there are instructions for completing the application for a PFA online. If you have questions or need assistance, contact the New Sewickley Township Police Department at 724-774-2473 or 724-775-0881. In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
New Sewickley Police responded to 172 False Alarm calls
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) are committed to protecting the public and ensuring that the rights of victims are carefully observed. HSI administers the Victim Notification Program which allows eligible victims and witnesses to obtain reliable and timely information regarding a criminal alien’s release from custody. However, victims and witnesses are required to register with HSI and ICE in order to receive notification of criminal notification of criminal alien’s release.
To register, go to this website: http://www.ice.gov/victim-notification/
On November 24, 2004, Governor Edward Rendell signed into law Senate Bill No. 92, which made significant changes to Megan’s Law. Most notably, information on all registered sex offenders now will be available to the public through the Internet. Additionally, out-of-state offenders will be subject not only to the same registration and notification provisions of their state of conviction in Pennsylvania but will be subject to the registration and notification requirements of Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law.
Simply click on the Megan’s Law image above for access to Pennsylvania’s Megan Law website. Within the website, one can explore Megan Law registrants in your community as well as in neighboring communities. The website now has a new electronic notification system that once signed up, users can monitor a maximum of five Pennsylvania addresses on your smart phone or computer.