233 Miller Road Rochester, PA 15074 | 724-774-7822 | info@newsewickley.com
Green Valley Park
Home / Community / Green Valley Park

Photos Green Valley 028

The Township purchased 80.5 acres from Mr. Rolland Richardson in 1965 for construction of Green Valley Park.  In 1982 Mr. Blake Walker donated an additional 8.7 acres.  The Park now consists of athletic fields for baseball, softball and soccer.  There is a play area for children; picnic shelters that can be reserved and a walking trail with exercise stations.

Park Address: 184 Snyder Drive, Rochester, PA  15074

Facebook page:

New Sewickley Township Recreation Board – Home | Facebook


Map of Green Valley Park (2017) Green Valley Park Master Plan


Please download links below to make a shelter reservation.  Both the reservation form and the pavilion rules need to be filled out.

Shelter Res Form        Pavilion Rental Rules

Information on reserving a shelter may be obtained by contacting Mandy Larrick at 724-622-4336.  Please note that Mandy is a volunteer and will return your call as soon as she is able.


Schedule of Events

Movies in the Park

August 2nd – Barbie – PG 13


Summer Concert Series at the Amphitheater in the Park

August 16th – Dancing Queen (Food Truck TBA)


Flea Markets


August 10 – 8 am – 1 pm – Contact Dave Bauman at 724-630-1326 to register


Trick or Treat Trail

October 26th – 5 – 7 pm





The Board is pleased to offer the use of the amphitheater to our community churches.  The amphitheater is handicap accessible and has electric available.  If you would like to schedule use of the amphitheater for an outdoor service, a choir performance, youth group event, the Bible school class would like to perform a play or anything else you can think of please contact Lisa Bauman at 724-630-4117.





Park Employee

The Township Park Employee serves as the caretaker of Green Valley Park. Robie has worked for the Township since the Spring of 2020.  He takes pride in keeping the Park clean and well maintained for the Residents. His duties include mowing grass, weed trimming, cleaning shelters & bathrooms, emptying trash cans and any other maintenance within the park.



Visits: 26547