233 Miller Road Rochester, PA 15074 | 724-774-7822 | info@newsewickley.com
Home / Our Government / Resolutions


The link below shows the list of  all Resolutions and are available to view at the Township building

Resolutions List

01-21Police PensionRes 01-21 Pol
02-21Fireman ActivityRes 02-21 Fire Dept
03-21Declaring NST Second Amendment SanctuarRes 03-21 Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
04-21Sewage for Janet GeorgeRes 04-21 George-Dull Sewage Facilities Plan Module
05-21Social Media PolicyRes 05-21
06-21Designation of Trustee for Police Pension PlanRes 06-21 Police Pension
07-21Application to DCED for Grant Strategic Management PlanningRes 07-21 Application to DCED for Grant Strategic Management Planning
08-21Reimburse PennDOT for Costs Associated w/Curb Ramps at Freedom/989 UpgradeRes 08-21 PennDOT Traffic Circle
09-21Sewage - HendricksonRes 09-21 Sewage Hendrickson
10-21Capital Reserve FundRes 10-21 Capital Reserve Fund
11-21Hazard Mitigation Plan Beaver County 2021Res 11-21 - Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021
12-21Stormwater Appeal & Credit FormsRes 12-21 - Stormwater Appeal & Credit
13-21Emergency Management Joint Coordinator w/Marion TwpRes 13-21 Joint Emergency Managment Coord with Marion Twp
14-21Budget 2022Res 14-21 Bud
15-21Tax Levy 2022Res 15-21 Tax
01-22Police PensionRes 01-22 Pol
02-22Fireman - ActivityRes 02-22 Fire Dept
03-22Declaring NST Second Amendment SanctuaryRes 03-22 Second Amendment Sanctuary
04-22Records DestructionRes 04-22 Records Destruction
05-22Sewage - HodappRes 05-22 Hodapp Sewage Module
06-22Stormwater Management FeeRes 06-22 Stormwater Fees Credits
07-22Emergency GeneratorRes 07-22 Emergency Generator Grant App.docx
08-22Concrete Floor New Road BuildingRes 08-22 Road Building Concrete Floor.docx
09-22Heated Floor New Road BuildingRes 09-22 Heated Floor New Road Building.docx
10-22Mack Granite42 & Dump BodyRes 10-22 MACK Granite 42 FR, dump body snow equip.docx
11-22Purchase 5 Police CarsRes 11-22 Five Police Cars.docx
12-22PRP PlanRes 12-22 PRP Plan.docx
13-22Freedom Girls' Basketball TeamRes 13-22 Girls Basketball Team
14-22Watershed Restoration & Protection Program GrantRes 14-22 Watershed Retoration & Protection Program Grant
15-22Garage Floor Concrete & HeatRes 15-22 Road Building Concrete & Heated Floor
16-22Emergency GeneratorsRes 16-22 Emergency Generator Grant App
17-22Plan Revision New Land Development Meadow Crest DevelopmentRes 17-22 Sewage Planning Module
18-22Act 57 of 2022 Property Tax Penalty Waiver ProvisionsRes 18-22 Act 57 2022 Property Tax Penalty Waiver Provisions
19-22PA Small Water and Sewer GrantRes 19-22 Small Water & Sewer Grant
20-22Budget 2023Res 20-22 Bud
21-22Tax Levy 2023Res 21-22 Tax
01-23Police PensionRes 01-23 Pol
02-23Fireman - ActivityRes 02-23 Fire Dept
03-23Declaring NST Second Amendment SanctuaryRes 03-23 Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
04-23Records DestructionRes 04-23 Records Destruction
05-23Beaver County Tax Collection CommitteeRes 05-23NST - BCTCC Voting Delegate Appointment Resolution
06-23Green Valley Park Improvement Project Grant ApplicationRes 06-23 GVP Improvement Project Grant Application
07-23Sewage Planning Module 246 Blackswoods RdRes 07-23 Small Flow Treatment Facility 246 Blackswoods Rd
08-23Fee Schedule Wirelss Communications FacilitiesRes 08-23 Wireless Fee Schedule - Aug 2023
09-23DCED ApplicationRes 09-23 Application to DCED for Grant Strategic Management Planning
10-23Freedom Rd Roundabout Beautification ProjectRes 10-23 Freedom Rd Roundabout Beautification Project
11-23Sewage Planning Module
Meadow Crest Development
Res 11-23 Meadow Crest Sewage Planning Module
12-23Local Share Grant-GVP TrailRes 12-23 GVP Walking Trail Grant App
13-23Local Share Grant-MACK TruckRes 13-23 MACK Granite 42 FR, dump body snow equip
14-23Local Share Grant - Concrete Floor Road GarageRes 14-23 Road Building Concrete & Heated Floor
15-23Local Share Grant - Salt ShedRes 15-23 Local Share Grant - Salt Shed
16-23Local Share Grant - Rosco Brush BroomRes 16-23 Local Share Grant Rosco Brush Broom
17-23Traffic Signal Maintenance AgreementRes 17-23 Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
18-23Police Whole Life PoliciesRes 18-23 Police Bargaining Unit Life Policy
19-23Budget 2024Res2024 Bud
20-23Tax Levy 2024Res 2024 Tax
01-24Police PensionRes 01-24 Pol
02-24Fireman ActivityRes 02-24 Fire Dept
03-24Declaring NST a Second Amendment Sanctuary Res 03-24 Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
04-24Records DestructionRes 04-24 Records Destruction
05-24DCNR Grant GVP PavingRes 05-24 DCNR Grant GVP Paving
06-24DCNR Grant GVP Playground EquipRes 06-24 GVP Playground Equipment
07-24DCED Strategic Management Planning ProgramRes 07-24 DCED Grant Application
08-24America250PARes 08-24 America250PA
09-24CFA Grant for 50% Funding of Act 537 StudyRes 09-24 Sewage Fac Program Grant
10-24Police Agreement w/Rochester Borough for Special EventsRes 10-24 Mutual Aid Agreement Resolution
11-24Local Share Grant MACK TruckRes 11-24 MACK Granite 42 FR, dump body snow equip
12-24Local Share Grant Road Depart. FloorRes 12-24 Road Building Concrete & Heated Floor
13-24Local Share Grant Salt ShedRes 13-24 Local Share Grant - Salt Shed
14-24Local Share Grant Rosco Brush BroomRes 14-24 Local Share Grant - Rosco Brush Broom
15-24Local Share Grant Resurface Trail GVPRes 15-24 GVP Walking Trail Grant App
16-24Local Share Grant Installation Two GeneratorsRes 16-24 Generators
17-24Invocation Before BOS Regular MeetingRes 17-24 Invocation Resolution
18-24Local Share Grant Municipal Roof ReplacementRes 18-24 Municipal Roof
19-24Local Share Grant Paving Rothart Drive & Druschel RoadRes 19-24 Paving Rothart Druschel
20-24Local Share Grant Paving Harkins Mill RoadRes 20-24 Paving Harkins Mill Road
21-24Budget 2025Res2025 Bud
22-24Tax Levy 2025Res 2025 Tax
23-24PennDOT Agility AgreementRes 23-24 PennDOT Shared Services
01-25Police PensionRes 01-25 Pol
02-25Fire Dept ActivityRes 02-25 Fire Dept
03-25NST Second Amendment SanctuaryRes 03-25 Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
04-25Records DestructionRes 04-25 Records Destruction
05-25Manager AppointmentRes 05-25 Appointing Manager
06-25Municipal Authority BoardRes 06-25 Municipal Auhority
07-25Planning CommissionRes 07-25 Planning Ccommission
08-25Recreation BoardRes 08-25 Rec BoardRes 08-25 Rec Board
09-25Zoning Hearing BoardRes 09-25 Zoning Hearing Board
10-25Pension AdministratorRes 10-25 Act 205 Pension Report-manager
11-25K-9 FundraiseRes 11-25 K9
Visits: 4408